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Quebec Scene

April 20 to May 5, 2007

Tickets on Sale

Visual and Media Arts

Quebec Scene Gallery ~ Making Real

Multiple dates & times

Quebec Scene Gallery
Second Empireseries (detail), Mathieu Beauséjour © 2006

Making Real

Featured artists: Jean-Pierre Aubé, BGL, Mathieu Beauséjour,
Patrick Bérubé, Geneviève Cadieux, Raphaëlle de Groot,
Pascal Grandmaison, Jean-Pierre Gauthier, Nadia Myre,
Alain Paiement, Yannick Pouliot, Jocelyn Robert, Ève K. Tremblay
Curator: Marie Fraser

April 20 - May 5 / Sunday to Tuesday, 11:00 to 18:00 / Wednesday to Saturday, 11:00 to 20:00

Presented in collaboration with the National Capital Commission

Installed in a former bank building in the heart of downtown Ottawa, this
exhibition explores how the relationship between the artist and real events,
time and space has shifted over the last few years, to the point where we
now question the value of art and the role of the viewer and the exhibition
venue. Art today dissects the experience of reality: it stretches the boundaries between art and the modern world, it often engages the viewer directly, and it redefines our relationships to art and to each other. All the works in the show were created or adapted specifically for this venue, and are displayed in spaces formerly used for banking activities and transactions. Making Real imposes a unique perspective on the space: by inserting art into the domain of business, finance and power, of identity and surveillance, it offers a new take on reality.

Tickets and Special Offers

Price: Free admission

April 20 - May 5 Sunday to Tuesday, 11:00 to 18:00 Wednesday to Saturday, 11:00 to 20:00

Site Info

National Arts Centre